Climbing the Tree Tops of Malolotja

Climbing the Tree Tops of Malolotja

This blog was written Charlie, a student from Abbey Gate College, who has been part of a group volunteering in Eswatini to build a new high school. It’s about a treetop adventure in Malolotja. A Dazzle of Zebra – Treetop Adventure Today’s itinerary...
Egirls: Ziplines, Safaris, and Pizza

Egirls: Ziplines, Safaris, and Pizza

Egirls: Ziplines, Safaris, and Pizza This blog was written by students from the St Helen and St Katharine School team of “Egirls” volunteering in Eswatini, where they have been building the country’s second ever elder’s home. Running the Trail...
Dancing, Curry and Waterfalls with Eswateam

Dancing, Curry and Waterfalls with Eswateam

The Eswateam – Adventures in Mhulmene This blog was written by Milly, Coco and Cora from the St Helen and St Katharine School ,”Eswateam”, volunteering where they have been building a high school in  Eswatini. Fun at the supermarket Our journey to...
Singing, dancing, and building in Eswatini

Singing, dancing, and building in Eswatini

Volunteering in Eswatini This blog was written by students from the St Helen and St Katharine School team of “Egirls” volunteering in Eswatini, where they have been building the country’s second ever elder’s home. Building A Home After just...
Schools and Sport in Mlindzini

Schools and Sport in Mlindzini

Schools in Mlindzini – Schools and Sports Schools in Mlindzini. This blog was written by Lois, a student from Abbey Gate College assisting with construction and Mlindzini  High School  in Eswatini. The Trip Out We set off from Manchester Airport in the late...