Educational Expeditions

Sense Earth provides a personalised and professional educational expeditions for Schools. Students choose a worthwhile sustainable project, create their own itinerary, and take responsibility for the expedition setup and organisation right from the start.

Safety is a huge aspect of the expedition; we ensure that students learn in a safe and secure environment whilst still being on an adventure.

This is an opportunity to push boundaries, to explore capabilities and to realise potential. At the end of the expedition each student has a detailed personal development report which can be used for applications and interviews.

Our expeditions are project focused and team members participate in worthwhile and rewarding community and/or conservation ventures. Each project is carefully assessed to ensure that it is sustainable and viable. Sense Earth continues to monitor and support these projects into the future.

We ensure that the expedition is personalised for each school keeping the school’s ethos, visions and ethics embedded into each unique expedition itinerary.

Throughout the planning and when on expedition parents are kept up to date every step of the way. We include everyone in this life changing journey.

Make a difference to yourself and to others.

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Make a difference with Educational Expeditions

…to a community initiative
…to a conservation project
…& to yourself

This is an ideal and safe opportunity for students to challenge boundaries, explore capabilities, and to realise potential through our Educational Expeditions. It is a time to learn and enhance skills such as resilience, leadership and decision making, all of which are applicable now and in later life.

Our projects overseas

the benefits of Educational Expeditions

Students can develop many attributes and skills whilst on on expedition and a safe and secure environment.

Educational Expeditions in Africa

Building an Old Peoples Home in Eswatini

• Leadership techniques to use in school and later life.
• How to work efficiently and effectively as a team.
• How to motivate people and yourself.
• How to understand team members strengths.
• To have assisted in a worthwhile project.
• To have built vital and transferable skills.
• To spend time in the Africa Wilderness.
• To experience life in a developing country.
• To gain a sense of achievement and fulfilment.
• To learn about social, economic and environmental issues.
• To exchange information between cultures.
• To experience something completely different outside of school.

Educational Expeditions and Blogs

The price

The price per student to Eswatini is £3,475 for a team of 12 – 16 team members. Other destinations may vary.

Price includes:

  1. Economy return flights from London
  2. A qualified and experienced Sense Earth expedition leader
  3. All transfers, transport in country and park fees
  4. Food, accommodation and activities in their personalised expedition
  5. Airport and departure taxes
  6. Expedition training before departure
  7. Detailed information pack
project work in Eswatini Educational Expeditions

Of the total expedition cost, each student donates £200 to their project and these transactions are transparent. The project funds go towards purchasing supplies and employing a workforce.


Students have the responsibility of organising their expedition from the onset; creating their itinerary, choosing a project, choosing accommodation and even organising the date of the opening ceremony. This gives the students ownership of their expedition from the very start.

When on expedition each team member will take it in turns to be leader of the group, taking full responsibility of the day’s running. Collectively, team members will account for expenditure, liaise with locals and transport and manage the project progress.

The students need to organise themselves to achieve all their goals and to get the most out of the experience. Guidance is given to team members to ensure a practical and feasible expedition which benefits local communities, conservation programs and all those that participate.

benefits of Educational Expeditions

Budgeting and purchasing of food is also managed by the students. This is often a massive learning curve – help is always at hand.  Sense Earth is not responsible for mismanagement of budgets!

Safety on Educational Expeditions

We have put into place measures to make schools and parents feel comfortable and secure in the knowledge that their students are in safe hands on our Educational Expeditions;


  1. Our company insurance is with Tasker Insurance, the leading travel insurance company.
  2. Medical insurance and insurance to work on a building project is included for each student.
  3. We have a 24hr backup system which can be accessed by school and parents.
  4. There is a backup vehicle (where possible) with the expedition at all times.
  5. Transfers are arranged in advance by Sense Earth with a private company. Transport is the highest expedition risk and Sense Earth takes the responsibility of organising this.
  6. Security guards are provided at each camp.
  7. Thorough risk assessments and meticulous planning before the expedition ensure that students have a trouble free, safe, yet exciting expedition.
safety while volunteering

Sense Earth ensures that every precaution is taken so that the expedition is safe and memorable. We understand that schools and parents will be concerned about students travelling overseas.

Sense Earth keeps in regular contact with school and parents through daily updates via various social media channels. We feel that parents and teachers should be part of the journey.

I just wanted to write to say how impressed I have been with all from start to finish. Bea have an amazing trip that I think will stay with her for a long time. You are to be congratulated for running such a complex operation.

Simon Nutbrown – parent

Thank you so much for this amazing opportunity that you’ve given us. We’ve all learnt so much about the differences in culture here alongside new skills which we’ll take with us for years to come. It has also inspired some of us to travel and others to volunteer.

Team Indlulamitsi (students)

We can already see her “walking taller”, grown in confidence and just amazed by all that she has seen and experienced.

Liz Dray – parent

Thank you so much for such a memorable and thought-provoking experience.

Lauren – student

Jess had a FANTASTIC time in Swaziland. I would like to add a big thank you to you for all your help, organisation and enthusiasm. It made a big difference to us parents back home knowing that our girls were in good hands.”

Susan Fletcher Watts – parent