These travel blogs across Africa and India offer the opportunity to get motivated, gain insights, expand your knowledge.
How on Earth do you want to feel?
Here are a collection of inspiring travel articles, general information and personal stories to increase your knowledge and excitement. We have a range of blogs and ideas to feed your curiosity.
recommended travel guides
what to take
How to Pack for India?
When packing for a holiday to India, less is definitely more. Most things you need can be bought there, don’t worry if you forget some items.
Packing made easy for your holiday
To make life a bit easier here are some top packing tips from the Sense Earth team to remove the stress from the start of your holiday.
What to pack for your holiday
What to pack for your holiday can be a bit overwhelming. We have created this helpful guide and general kit list to give you suggestions.
Top 10 items to take on safari
We are often asked what items you should take for on safari. There are the obvious but there are other things that you might not think of.