Project work at Mbita with Abbey Gate College

This expedition has been the most amazing, eye-opening experience. Since we have landed in Africa, we have seen a lot of beautiful views, as well as a variety of views interesting animals. Our project work at Mbita has been wonderfully memorable.

Arrival at Mbita Primary School

We have found enjoyment in helping to teach at Mbita Primary School, helping the students to speak clearer English, as well as educate in a variety of other subjects, such as maths. The students even performed songs for us upon our arrival, which everyone found very impressive. While on the topic of school, both the teachers and the students have been incredibly respectful and kind to us. It would be very hard to make us feel more welcome than we already feel.

Project Work at Mbita

A typical day for us here at Mbita Primary School starts with an early breakfast that we all take turns in cooking, a brief meeting about the day and then half of us go up to the school to help teach or solo teach the students in anything from English to science and maths. Teaching them has been a rewarding experience, something we will forever be grateful for.

The other half help build the teacher accommodations, this can be mixing cement, carrying bricks to the site or laying the bricks alongside the builders. The money we raised has helped buy the materials to build the accommodation.

The primary school eats their meal at 10:30 so we meet and switch jobs for the rest of the day. After the school day finishes at 2:30 we all take the children out to the field to play football, netball and a whole assortment of games. We do this for a couple of hours until the children need to start walking home. In the football time we also have some dance lessons from the children, and then we head back to camp to relax and cook dinner.

Benefits of Being on Expedition

One of the other key benefits of this trip so far has been how the group has grown closer together. People who probably would not have spoken in their own time before now spend their evenings chatting and playing games with each other. Even the expedition leaders and managers have taken plenty of time to get to know the group, as well as indulge in games and meals with us.

The Future at Mbita Primary School

We are coming to the end of our first week at the community and it has been a pleasure to teach numerous students and various grades/year groups. The community is welcoming and a special place to be. We look forward to returning to the project and further bonding with the primary students through both teaching and sports and watching our friendships flourish.

I think it is fair to say that both I, and the rest of the group are excited to see what the rest of the trip has in store for us.


students on expedition

Author: Student

Students on expeditions love to share their experiences and show their achievements. We enjoy sharing them too. An expedition with Sense Earth gives students the opportunity to challenge themselves, to support local communities and to learn new life skills for later life. To do something different.