After spending just over a week working hard on our project, where we helped build a new section to the care home and painted creative murals across two care points in the community, it was time for the opening ceremony.
Opening Ceremony
The opening ceremony was a celebration of how much we have improved the quality of life for many different people in a disadvantaged community, and in turn, they have shown us so much kindness and gratitude, welcoming us with open arms and a big heart. We are so pleased to have had privilege of meeting them and learning from them.
Traditional dancing
While everyone was waiting in anticipation for the opening ceremony to begin, women from the village arrived in their traditional dress, performing cultural Swazi songs and dances. As Jenny told us, it was a significant mark of respect, which doesn’t happen often. The women encouraged us to join in, but surprisingly enough we were not nearly as rhythmical as them!
Then, the children from the care point, who visited us lots throughout the project, sang lovely songs for us. As the ceremony progressed, more families from the village came to join us.
Speeches and Feasting
Meaningful speeches were given by us, Jenny, and of course Lasalette, who has welcomed and supported us (we are especially thankful for her cupcakes!)
After, we presented our finished work and took photos together. Finally, the ceremony ended in the best way possible: a massive feast. It was clear that the delicious food was really appreciated by all of us as we made sure to leave barely any leftovers!
Our Experience
The project, including the opening ceremony, has made our experience in Eswatini even more invaluable and unforgettable. We are honoured to have had this opportunity and we are grateful to everyone who has helped us along the way.